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Android Netrunner LCG: What Lies Ahead Data Pack

Android Netrunner LCG: What Lies Ahead Data Pack
(obrázky jsou ilustračního charakteru)
ID produktu
Fantasy Flight Games
Doporučený minimální věk
Minimální počet hráčů
Maximální počet hráčů
Herní doba (min.)
Jazyková verze 
379,- KčCena s DPH
(recyklační poplatek je započítán v ceně)    

Na českém popisu hry právě pracujeme.

“You want to be cheap, be cheap. But you want to flex your muscles? Go ahead and do it. Do it right. You’re driving one of the world’s mightiest megacorporations. You have credits like most people have red blood cells. Now, you can use it. Lock up your servers. Safe.”
–Ulrich Heiner, ice programmer and designer of Draco

What Lies Ahead adds muscle and theme to each of the seven different factions in Android: Netrunner. Its sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) intensify the game's action as each of the corps receives a new agenda and a flavorful piece of ice, perfectly tailored to its base strengths. On the other side, the runner factions launch into the ongoing cyberstruggles with new icebreakers and support cards. Meanwhile, fans of the Anarchs and Haas-Bioroid should find the Data Pack particularly rewarding as each gains a new identity.


Není samostatně hratelné, ke hře je nutné vlastnit hru Android Netrunner LCG: Core Set.

(vyhrazujeme si právo měnit tyto popisy a specifikace bez předchozího upozornění)
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