Dominant Species: Mořská říše * Resafa (CZ) * Hegemonie: Doveďte svou třídu k vítězství * Root (CZ) * Root - Rozšíření Podzemní říše Zobrazit více...
It has long been believed that earthworms are slow creatures lacking ambition. Not so!
They dream of conquering the world, but they suffer from internal conflicts that prevent them from realizing their grand schemes: The pinks are convinced that they must lead the troops. …but so are the blues. …and the browns. …and the yellows. Of course, this has led to infighting. Wormlord tells their story. Wormlord is a competitive game, which you play simultaneously, with no turns.
You are trying to conquer spaces by placing knots. You can repel your opponents by unknotting their strings and thereby returning the strings to them. The victory condition varies from each board configuration to the next, but in general, you’re trying to conquer a certain number of Objective spaces.