During the Edo period, higaki kaisen (trading ships) transported materials to Edo (now Tokyo), the center of political power in Japan.
There, Fudasashi (brokers) would await the shipment of various specialty goods from Osaka, the mercantile center of Japan.
As traders, you will be responsible for the safe transport of the valuable goods that will let Japan prosper into the powerful nation it is today. Your ships will depart from Osaka and journey through dangerous waters on their way to Edo.
If your ship is caught in the Black Tide, you stand to lose precious cargo a clever trader will invest in insurance to mitigate the possibility of such losses.
For each successful delivery to Edo, you will be paid kindly.
Who among you will profit most from this tireless work?
You are traders who must sell as many goods as possible in Edo to earn Victory Points (VPs). At the end of the game, the trader with the most VPs wins the game.
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