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Descent 2nd edition: Oath of the Outcast (Hero and Monster Collection)

Descent 2nd edition: Oath of the Outcast (Hero and Monster Collection)
(obrázky jsou ilustračního charakteru)
ID produktu
Fantasy Flight Games
Doporučený minimální věk
Minimální počet hráčů
Maximální počet hráčů
Herní doba (min.)
Jazyková verze 
899,- KčCena s DPH
(recyklační poplatek je započítán v ceně)    

Na českém popisu hry právě pracujeme.

Gain access to a host of heroes and monsters in Oath of the Outcast, a Hero and Monster Collection expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition. In addition to the heroes, Oath of the Outcast offers two brand new quests, inviting you to stop a dark ritual from raising undead warriors to life.

Oath of the Outcast offers four noble heroes, ready to stand between the overlord and the people of Terrinoth: Trenloe the Strong, Laurel of Bloodwood, Shiver, and Elder Mok. These heroes are opposed by vile monsters, however – beastmen, bane spiders, and razorwings.

Oath of the Outcast contains:

  • Four heroes of Terrinoth, with detailed figures and character sheets

  • Three complete monster groups with monster cards

  • Two new quests: Oath of the Outcast and Prison of Ice and Lies

Nelze hrát samostatně! Ke hře je nutné vlastnit základní hru Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Výpravy do temnot) 2. edice. Hra je v anglickém jazyce!


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